Vertigo Relief Near Me

For ‘vertigo relief near me,’ choose the Migraine Center of NJ. We offer effective, drug-free treatment for symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus, TMJ, neck pain, earaches, headaches, and, of course, migraines.

Research shows that all of these symptoms can be interrelated. Also, all of them can be caused by something many people find unexpected: unbalanced forces in the mouth and jaw. 

Imbalances in the mouth affect the surrounding muscles leading to the neck and back. In other cases, bad posture or an accident can be the root of the problem. Often, the imbalance leads to painful migraines and the frustrating associated symptoms of vertigo.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a common problem, affecting at least 69 million people in the United States. Of those millions, about eight million people have regular bouts of vertigo. Often, they have the feeling that they’re moving when they aren’t. Other times, it feels like the room is moving or spinning. 

Sometimes, vertigo is caused by migraines and can cause related vertigo-associated symptoms like nausea, feeling off-balance, and vomiting. In some cases, it’s related to the positioning of the head. However, other causes can be related to malocclusions, imbalances in the mouth, and jaw. 

Dr. Milestone, an orthodontist with specialized training in treating headaches and related symptoms, has over 30 years of experience serving New Jersey. Thus, he can determine the best course of treatment and deliver the relief you may have felt wasn’t possible.

Don’t live with headaches or the symptoms of TMJ or vertigo. Now, you can get effective and affordable relief that’s long-lasting. Best of all, it doesn’t involve drugs or needles. 

Pinpointing the Cause

The causes for vertigo are complex, so Dr. Milestone will need to discuss your background and health history. Then, using an objective, computer-assisted evaluation, we can zero in precisely on what’s causing the symptoms.

Our cutting-edge proprietary system, called TruDenta, allows us to analyze the neuromuscular forces in your head, neck, and mouth. Then, we can start to treat the symptoms effectively. See more about the comfortable and safe methods of treatment here.

Drug and Needle-Free Relief

Many people who depend on medication for relief will be happy to learn they can get relief with FDA-cleared, safe treatment. Without drugs or needles, you can experience lasting relief with a series of 50-minute treatments. Notably, these treatments were developed from proven sports medicine therapy.

Over the years, our therapeutic treatments have been effective in thousands of patients suffering from chronic headaches, migraines, and related vertigo.

Please, contact the Migraine Center of New Jersey today, and say goodbye to your vertigo symptoms.

Call us now at (201)-845-8411.

Schedule an appointment online here.

Dr. Milestone and the team at The Migraine Center of New Jersey are the experts in headache and vertigo treatment designed to last. We serve areas throughout New Jersey, including Paramus, NJ, Oradell, NJ, Fairlawn, NJ, River Edge, NJ, and the Bergen County, NJ area. Contact the Migraine Center of New Jersey today, and stop living with chronic vertigo.


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